Dear Parent / Guardian
As part of International day of Peace on Monday 21 September, students will participate in a specially devised lesson during their LLW class. The resources and plan have been devised by the CRED team as an extension of the forgiveness lessons pilot programme from Children in Crossfire that our Year 9 English and RE groups were involved in last term. Dr Alan McMurray who moderated the pilot programme at the time was very impressed with our pupil engagement and the CRED team are pleased now to share the lessons with the whole school.
We are also hoping to connect to YOUTH ACROSS THE PLANET as part of Peace Weekend 2020. At 12:00 Noon in each time zone on Monday, invited participants will observe a Minute of Silence, resulting in a “Peace Wave” around the world. We are hoping our whole school community will engage with the minute of silence and further information on Peace One Day can be found on I have registered our school as taking part.
Attached also are the Peace Day posters that may be shared with form classes throughout the week.