Pastoral Care

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Pastoral Structures

At New-Bridge Integrated College we recognise that being nurtured in a positive and respectful way is crucial to the social, physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual personal development of our pupils. 

Our Pastoral system supports our pupils, helping them to develop as responsible, independent young adults, able to fulfil their potential and play an active, caring role in our community. New-Bridge is a happy place to learn and work; all members of staff share pastoral responsibility for our pupils by encouraging them to become responsible, self-motivated young people who respect themselves and others. 

Core Values 

At New-Bridge our rules and policies are based on our three Core Values – Responsible, Ready and Respect. These Core Values underpin all that we do, and we work together to actively promote our Integrated ethos through the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect, which can be achieved through courtesy and concern for others. 

Our Year 8 Pupils Support

  • Sixth Form Mentors who support our Year 8 through their transition phase. 

“The older pupils play an important role in the care and welfare of younger pupils and carry out a range of responsibilities with maturity and sensitivity. These leadership roles develop well their personal, social and employability skills.” – ETI Inspection 

  • A Form Tutor, who they will meet each morning with their Form Class, to begin their day positively and who will deliver a weekly Learning for Life and Work programmefocusing on Personal Development, Citizenship and Employability.
  • A Year Co-Coordinator Who who supports the work of the Pastoral Team, and is the main contact with parents, providing both Pastoral and Academic support to each individual pupil. 
  • Care and Welfare Tutors who provide an additional layer of support for emotional health and well being 
  • A Vice Principal for Learning, Care and Welfare, who oversees all Pastoral Care in the College, in conjunction with the Principal. 

Our carefully planned Year 8 Induction Programme encourages good communication and partnership between home and school, with opportunities for regular updates during this important transition phase.

This Induction Programme continues with a tailored Preventative Curriculum helping to give our pupils the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe. 

Our Safeguarding Team

Mrs A Anderson


Mrs H Harbinson

Vice Principal, Learning Care and Welfare

Designated Teacher

Mrs D Manson

Deputy Designated Teacher

Mrs M Wright

Deputy Designated Teacher

Mr Karl McCaughey


Christine McMurray

College Counsellor

Mrs Kate Maguire

Care and Welfare Tutor

Mr Chris Clague

Care and Welfare Tutor

Other Useful Contacts

Designated Governor for Child Protection:  Mr C O’Hare 
Board of Governors – Chairperson:  Mrs N Connolly 
School Counsellor:    Counsellor can be accessed via:   

  • Form Tutor  
  • Year Co-ordinator  
  • Mrs Harbinson (Vice Principal)
  • Self-referral 
EWO (Education Welfare Officer): Mr K McCaughey

Care and Welfare

The mental health and well-being of our students is at the heart of our school ethos.

We are proud of the care and welfare support systems we have in place for our students. Central to this are our Care & Welfare Tutors who can offer support, guidance and intervention for our students when they require this. 

Chris and Kate are located in the Wellness suite in the school and play an active role in promoting healthy mindin our school community. 

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Program

The anti – bullying ambassadors’ programme has been set up in New-Bridge for all pupils. There are a group of thirty ambassadors, identifiable by a blue hoodie, worn at break and lunch times.

They can be approached by any pupil who finds themselves in a situation where they need to talk to someone about friendship issues or if they witness any form of bullying taking place as they can bring it to the ambassadors’ attention. 

All our anti-bullying ambassadors have been trained in how to deal with these situations and their roles include; 

  • To help create a safe, caring environment for all our pupils.
  • To be positive role models.
  • To be a secure point of contact for anyone feeling distressed or worried.

We aim to raise awareness around issues related to bullying and provide support for our peers who are experiencing difficulties. We are passionate about promoting an anti-bullying culture and a community of kindness.

Pastoral Programme – Learning for Life and Work 

Year 8 Personal Development Programme 

Team Building Day  What Does Integration Mean in New-Bridge?  Crosslink Programme on Diversity 
Anti-Bullying  Feelings and Emotions  Morals, Values and Beliefs 
Drugs Awareness  Learning About Learning   