Head Girl Reflection
Hello everyone my name is Katie and I am very proud to be part of New-Bridge sixth form college but also to hold the position of Head Girl.
Throughout my time in New-Bridge I have taken part in many extracurricular activities which I feel is an amazing way to meet new people and gain many new transferable skills. I would urge everyone especially sixth form students to take part in some of our many mentoring and leadership roles. Being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador since I was year 10 has shaped me into the kind compassionate individual I am today.
I study A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics and I hope to move onto Queens University Belfast to study medicine. The relationships I have formed with both teachers and pupils in these classes are relationships I will forever be grateful for as they have provided me with so much support and guidance throughout my time at New-Bridge.
As a sixth form student we are taught to be role models and leaders in our school, we are all privileged to hold this role as we know how we looked up to the previous sixth form students. I have been involved in many activities that I would not have had the chance to if not for the key skills and qualities I have developed being part of New-Bridge. Most notably I was given the opportunity to speak in front of MLA’s and business leaders at Stormont Parliament Buildings about the importance of integration in our school and about the importance of respect and how our school uses restorative practice to repair relationships that has been broken down. I was given extensive training in public speaking before this speech which enabled me to make a 5 minute speech without notes in front on many influential people.
I really hope that you will choose New-Bridge as your school and I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Head Boy Reflection
Deputy Head Girl
My name is Amy Bryson, and I am a Deputy Head Girl at New-Bridge – a position which I am extremely proud to hold. I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology, having also studied Health & Social Care in Year 13, and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here
My journey through New-Bridge began in 2018, having previously attended Scarva Primary School. I was a shy, immature student, unsure of who I was. Now, I am a resilient and self-motivated person both inside and outside of the college, confident in who I have become, and I can wholeheartedly say that I have New-Bridge to thank for this. My education has been enriched through the opportunities I have received, such as being appointed as a mentor for younger pupils and by working with the local community through the Intergenerational Project.
New-Bridge was my first experience of integrated education, and it has been a privilege to attend an integrated school. The nurturing environment provided within the college is like no other, and I truly believe it is due to our integrated ethos. Not only does this include our staff, but it also involves us as students and how we encourage each other. This supportive network greatly reflects on our school motto: “The school for all the family”. I always feel accepted, like my contribution matters, and that I can do anything I set my mind to.
Looking back on my previous 6 years in the school, I can confidently say that choosing New-Bridge was the best decision I could have made. I am eternally greatful for the opportunities I have been provided that shaped me into a conscientious student, and for the continued support from staff. Going forward, I am certain that I can utilise what I have learnt in my time here in the wider world.
My biggest piece of advice to you is to enjoy every moment and seize every opportunity – it will be over before you know it!

Deputy Head Boy for Junior School
Hi my name is James, and I am the co-deputy head boy at New-Bridge, I began my journey at New-Bridge in 2018 after leaving Bridge Integrated Primary School, I am currently studying Religion, Media Studies and Drama. New-Bridge has given me countless unforgettable opportunities that have shaped me into the person I am today.
I earned my position of Co-deputy with the vast encouragement and assistance from teachers and fellow peers. My time in New-Bridge has been met with support and a very friendly environment where I have built up incredible relationships with many around the school. Having a welcoming and healthy school environment has allowed many students, me included, to thrive and show potential that may not have been seen before.
Within the school my responsibilities consist of being head of the peer mentoring program, this responsibility is a great honour and has allowed me to show my skills showing how responsible I am and how I can lead a team efficiently. My responsibilities do not end there however, I am also part of the Anti-Bullying ambassador team, peer mediation, the Intergenerational Project, AUsome mentor and have been to countless events on behalf of the school both to gain new experiences and represent the school in a positive light.
Deputy Head Girl
Hello, my name is Abegail Magowan, and I am Deputy head Girl this year at Newbridge. I am delighted that I was appointed this role, and I am currently studying A-Level English, Religious Studies and Health and Social Care and I am enjoying my time here at sixth form.
My journey here at Newbridge stared in August 2021 when I had transferred here from my previous Junior High School, I at first was reserved as I didn’t know many people at Newbridge but, this did not last for very long as the students here at Newbridge were very kind and helped me fit in and helped me get my way around. Through several school teams and programs, I have made more new friends and was given so many opportunities which I am very grateful for.
The last four years here at Newbridge have been brilliant, I feel very privileged to attend and Integrated school and have such kind and positive teachers that have supported me through my education. There is always so much positivity and praise here at school which is one of the several reasons why I feel it is an honour for me to be representing our school, especially when I get to come to school everyday and be surrounded by inclusive and supportive people. Which I feel our school definitely lives up to our values the 3 R’s Ready, Respect, Responsible.
I feel lucky that I am able to be part of such a great school, and my main focus as Deputy Head Girl is to help everyone in our school have the best education experience possible and to always encourage them to do their best, as school may be challenging at times but with a positive mindset and perseverance obstacles can always be overcome.

Deputy Head Boy
Hello, my name is Ethan Topley, and I am co-deputy head boy. I joined New-Bridge in 2018 which continued my integrated education since I came from Bridge Integrated Primary School. I have just started my final academic year at New-Bridge and can safely say the standard of education I have received has been second to none. I have been given so many great opportunities and memories due to New-Bridge, this includes being a part of the student council, opportunities to speak on matters such as growth of integrated education, pupil’s rights and Peer mentoring.
I currently study Media, I.T. and R.E., and I have thoroughly enjoyed partaking in all these courses, eager to see what I will learn this year. I plan on going to Ulster University to study Screen Production. I am very appreciative of the role I have been given within the Senior Leadership Team, and it is one in which I am proud to hold. I accept it with great honour, and every decision I make is made with compassion. As co-deputy head boy I hope to maintain the quality of the school and perhaps even help in reaching new heights.
Enrichment Programme
The Sixth Form Enrichment Programme in New-Bridge Integrated College is designed to add breath to the examined post 16 Curriculum and provide opportunities which extend beyond the classroom.
Our programme consists of a wide range of additional courses which seek to enrich our students’ Sixth Form experience and provide them with the wider skills required for the world of work and indeed wider life. The courses range from The Duke of Edinburgh Award, Young Enterprise Company Programme, Mental Health Ambassadors Programme, as well as fitness and art and craft courses.
Leavers Destinations – Universities
In New-Bridge ,we provide high quality careers, education, information, advice and guidance. Our pupils have a very good understanding of the world of work and of the education, training and employment opportunities that are available locally and regionally. Our range of career learning activities are well integrated into the curricular provision in our College and meet very effectively the needs of our pupils.