Hi all,
Christmas is fast approaching, as too is the party season for many places of work.
This month brought about Alcohol Awareness Week, the aim of Alcohol Awareness Week is to get people thinking about Alcohol and to keep in mind its effects. Please see attached leaflet.
Also, please see below some Alcohol statistics:
. In 2015, 196,000 prescriptions for drugs to treat alcohol misuse were prescribed, costing around £3.9 million. This is double the number in 2005.
. Males accounted for approximately 65% of all alcohol-related deaths in the UK in 2014.
. While the price of alcohol has increased by 36% since 2005, it remains 60% more affordable than it was in 1980.
. In 2014, 38% of school pupils (aged 11-15) said that they had drunk alcohol at least once. Of these, 8% of 11 year-olds reporting ever having drunk alcohol, compared to 69% of 15 year-olds.
Thank you
Aoifé & all in Health & Wellbeing
“Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle”