Dear Parent/Guardian
Friends of New-Bridge have organised a Christmas Shopping trip to Kildare Village and Newbridge Silverware Museum!
The Shopping Trip will take place on Saturday 1 December and will stop off at the renowned Newbridge Silverware Factory Shop and Museum for 1 hour prior to arriving at Kildare Village for a day of care free Christmas shopping.
The bus will depart New-Bridge at 8am on Saturday 1 December and arrive at the Newbridge Silverware at approximately 10am or shortly after. We will stay for one hour for an opportunity to enjoy refreshments in the award-winning Café Carleton, peruse the factory shop or visit the world famous museum (museum tour is optional and will cost an additional 5 per person Group discount, normally 7).
We will leave the Newbridge Silverware at approximately 11am and continue to Kildare Village, a short distance away, where you can enjoy a carefree afternoon of shopping. The bus will depart Kildare Village at 4pm and arrive back at New-Bridge shortly after 6pm.
The price of the return trip is £12 per person and an additional €5 if you wish to take the tour.
To avoid disappointment, please book early and send your name and contact telephone number into the College along with £12 to secure your seat on the bus.
To get a flavor of Newbridge Silverware and Kildare village feel free to peruse their websites and