New-Bridge Integrated College celebrates another year of excellent AS/A2 results.
New-Bridge Integrated College congratulates our Year 14 students on achieving another great set of A Level results. 100% of our pupils achieved 2 A Levels and our 3 A Level pass rate stands at 97%. These results have enabled our pupils to secure places at Queens University, University of Ulster, Stranmillis and other overseas universities to study a range of subjects including Theoretical Physics, Maths, Finance, Geography and Computer Science. It is rewarding to see so many top grades being achieved by our pupils with the A* grades achieved in many subjects including Art, Biology, Chemistry, ICT, Mathematics Physics, Creative Media and Sports Studies. Once again our students’ results remain above the NI Average for non-selective schools and we are delighted with the individual performance of all our pupils and congratulate them on their success.
Our Lower Sixth students also collected their AS results and we are delighted that our students have received the best A*-C AS results on record and we are encouraged that these results should ensure top A2 results next year. This magnificent achievement is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers alike, working together with the support of our parents. We continue to work in partnership with our partner schools in the Banbridge Area Learning Community to offer a broad range of A Level and BTEC subjects which caters for different learning styles and offers relevant progression routes for all our pupils.
As an integrated, all ability non selective school we are extremely proud of the progression routes our students have secured, with 100% of our pupils securing places within Higher and Further Education. A full list of our Leavers’ University Destinations will be posted on our school website shortly. Congratulations again to all our students.