Eco Silver Status for New-Bridge

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The Pupil Council Eco Committee and Eco Club are proud to announce that the college has successfully completed the Eco Schools Silver Award. The Silver Award Certificate is on display in the Pupil Council area of the college foyer.

We would like to thank all students who were involved in a wide variety of curriculum based work, various events and competitions organised by the college and outside agencies. We would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement of all staff including ancillary, support and teaching staff during 2012 to 2013. We aim to achieve Eco Flag status in the current academic year. 

Emily Orr 10MU  is pictured  with Elaine Keegan 9BT( Pupil Council and Eco Club) with Eco Schools Silver Award Certificate next to the Pupil Council Eco Committee and Eco themes notice boards in the college foyer.

 Both girls represent the student groups and college community who helped achieve the SILVER AWARD during academic year 2012 -2013.




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