Holly Kemp is awarded the Carson Bursary

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Holly Kemp is awarded the 2017-2018 Carson Bursary.

New-Bridge Integrated College is delighted to announce that Year 14 Art and Design Student Holly Kemp has been awarded the Cason Bursary 2017-2018. The Carson Awards and Bursaries are named in honour of the legendary Northern Ireland comedian Frank Carson and are sponsored by Frank’s son, Mr. Tony Carson. The Carson Awards are an exciting opportunity for young people to express themselves creatively under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’.

Holly Kemp won the bursary for her application entitled ‘Outstanding Networks’. This project was conceived to complement work done in preparation for Integrated Education Month (IEM), March 2018.  Her project will also reflect investigation work being undertaken for her A Level Art and Design.

Holly’s plans aim to celebrate the talented alumni who have taken time to return to college and share their skills and experience with our present students. With the aid of the bursary, Holly hopes to encourage other graduates to present a series of workshops to our Art Department and take advantage of the wealth of talent in our school leavers and those who have gone on to third level education. The workshops will benefit all our A Level Art students and pupils involved in preparations for IEM.

The art department is very grateful to the Integrated Education Fund and the Carson Bursary for their assistance in this project and in helping to develop the creative talents of our students in New-Bridge Integrated College.


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