New-Bridge Participates in the WG Meeting #6: Non-discrimination and intercultural dialogue, European Commission in Brussels, European Commission in Brussels

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New-Bridge Integrated College was represented by Mrs Anderson, Principal, Ms Harrison, Head of History and Mrs  McKeown, Integration Coordinator at the WG Meeting #6: Non-discrimination and intercultural dialogue, European Commission in Brussels on Thursday 27th October.

The New-Bridge representatives were part of a panel on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue moderated by Barry Van Driel, Secretary General of the International Association for Intercultural Education. The expert group was working on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education. Its mandate was to provide a forum for exchange on the key policy issues falling under the scope of the Paris Declaration.

The College was invited to participate in the event as a result of being recognised at European level following the announcement in May that New-Bridge Integrated College is the 2017 laureate of the  Evens Foundation Prize  for Peace Education. The inclusive and restorative practices of our school were acknowledged for promoting peace education which seeks to detect, recognise and share inspirational practices in the field of conflict management education.  The Evens Award recognises our efforts to respond to everyday diversity as well as to transform controversial subjects into a learning opportunity.

The conference in Brussels was an opportunity to share good practice with education and policy makers from countries throughout the EU.  Professor Robert Jackson, University of Warwick was the keynote speaker and was very complementary about the work New-Bridge are doing in the area of teaching controversial issues and the work the school community does to promote its integrated ethos.  This platform offered us the opportunity to network with a wide variety of experts in the field of education.

The New-Bride CRED (Community Relations Equality and Diversity) team will travel to London in November not only to attend the prestigious Conflict Matters Conference, but also to participate and deliver a key note address about our school’s journey in developing inclusive practices to promote respect and tolerance within our community.


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