New-Bridge book worms set World Record

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New-Bridge book worms set world record

Interview with Mrs J Ward, School Librarian

BOOK worms at New-Bridge Integrated College recently joined a UK-wide attempt to beat the world record for the most people taking part in simultaneous literature quizzes.

The fun nationwide attempt proved so successful, with 6,388 students taking part across 62 UK locations – including students at New-Bridge – that all involved blasted the previous record, set at the time by a mere 2,600 people.

School librarian, Mrs  Ward explained that the fun idea had been suggested to the Loughbrickland school as part of World Book Day, and that it had been enthusiastically endorsed by herself and Head of English, Mrs McDowell.

“We thought it would be a good idea to take part,” Mrs Ward commented. “Our attempt took place in the library and our students did quite well, however some of the questions were quite hard, especially the connections round.

“All the questions and answers were provided by the World Book Day organisation as all participants had to use the same questions and answers as the other competitors.

“The quiz questions had a very broad spectrum, but they focused on mainly modern fiction, such as Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and The Maze runner trilogy. “However, some of the classical fiction questions were based around the English curriculum, so the pupils were familiar with most of the books.”

The initiative proved so popular that Jacqueline actually had to limit the number of students eager to take part in the quiz, so that they would all fit in the school library!

Joining a UK-wide initiative is not as simple as it seems, and Jacqueline had to rope in considerable expertise, while liaising extensively with the adjudicators, to ensure the success of the venture, as she explained: “I liaised with the librarian from St. Paul’s High School in Bessbrook, and we shared ideas about how to co-ordinate the event.

“The staff and independent adjudicators for the event were Mrs McDowell, Head of English; Mr Donal O’Hanlon, quiz master; Mrs D Kennedy, School governor and Simon Henry, our independent adjudicators.

“Mr McParland and Mr Doyle took care of our video, photo and IT requirements, while Mrs Ward co-ordinated the event.” Of course, the fun world record attempt was only a means to an end, since it was designed to promote reading, and I was pleased to see just how popular the initiative had been. “I think it is extremely important to make reading a fun activity – we at New-Bridge firmly believe that if a child enjoys what they are doing they will continue to participate and therefore make progress. “Reading, like everything, is a skill that comes better with practice.

“At our library, here in New-Bridge, we have a varied array of books which cater to the reading abilities and interests of all our students, and if we haven’t got it we will try and find it.

“Our most popular book is in fact the Guinness Book of Records – the various editions of the book are very well loved and worn from use!”

