HELLO -English
BONJOUR – French – BUENOS DIAS – Spanish
BUON GIORNO – Italian – GUTEN TAG – German
DIA DUIT – Irish – FARFAYE – Ulster Scots
HEJ – Swedish – CZESC – Polish
LABAS – Lithuanian
Speaking up for languages in Northern Ireland
26 September is the annual European Day of Languages (EDL) celebrating linguistic diversity and lifelong language learning
It will be a day to:
♦ Encourage people of all ages to start learning a new language
♦ Take part in events celebrating learning and speaking other languages
♦ Highlight the advantages of languages at work (www.languageswork.org.uk)
♦ Focus on the benefits that language learning brings
♦ Promote understanding
Mrs O’ Loughlin, Head of Modern Languages, has organised a range of activities that students can take part in during class. A special assembly is planned which will include a quiz for both students and teachers. Our College Prayers has been translated into French and Spanish.
College Prayer
May God give blessings on all Whose lives build our school
Both parent and child, Both young and old, Both wisdom and youth
Stranger and friend, Both male and female
Protestant, Catholic and others, Both visionary and builders of the vision
With the eye of the weaver, You have chosen us
Such different threads, To be gathered into unity
So that the world might be changed
Priere du College (French)
Dieu benisse tous eux, Dont les vies construisent notre college
Les parents et les enfants, Les jeunes et les vieux, La sagesse et la jeunesse
Les inconnus et les amis, Les garcons et les filles
Les Protestants, les Catholiques et tous les autres
Tous visionnaires construisant la vision, Avec l’oeil du tisserand
Tu nous as choisis, Des fils si differents
Pour nous reunir dans l’unite, Pour que le monde puisse changer
Oracion del instituto (Spanish)
Dios bendiga a todos aquellos, Cuyas vidas conforman nuestro colegio
A padres e hijos, A pequenos y mayors
A la sabiduria y a la juventud, Al desconocido o al amigo, A hombres y mujeres
A Protestantes, Catolicos o de otros religions,
A visionarios y creadores de visions de futuro
Con ojo de tejedor, Nos has elegido
A tan dispares hilos, Para entrelazarlos en la unidad
Y que pueda asi cambiar el mundo