New-Bridge Jack Delaney UK Best Young Pigeon Fancier

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New-Bridge Jack Delaney UK Best Young Pigeon Fancier

Second Year Running

New-Bridge Integrated College student Jack Delaney (8JK) and younger cousin Ronan McCambridge have been recognised as the Best Young Pigeon Fanciers in the UK for the second consecutive year.  They were awarded the Guy Barrett Trophy at The Royal Pigeon Racing Association Show of the Year, in Blackpool on Saturday. The award is based on their outstanding racing performance over the past year and their contribution to the sport. Jack and Ronan were among 15,000 pigeon fanciers who attended the Blackpool event.

Jack and Ronan who race together as Delaney & McCambridge also won the RPRA Irish Region Young Fancier of the year at the annual NIPA awards in November, and the mileage for the best performance 0-250miles.   Well done boys!


Author Julie Comiskey visits New-Bridge