Top Prize in UK for New-Bridge Film Club Competition

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New-Bridge Integrated College Film Club

win Top Prize in UK Competition

New-Bridge Integrated College Art Teacher, Miss Guiney runs an extremely successful film club after school in the College. The Film Club enriches the curriculum and allows students to experience cultures beyond their own and explore a wide variety of issues and stimulate their imaginations.  Miss Guiney  has successfully completed an intensive training course facilitated by

As members of the Film Club, the students were invited to enter a competition where they were asked to design a snail mascot worthy of Turbo and his racing crew.

Miss Guiney, Mr Williamson (University of Ulster PGCE Art student) and the Film Club members were thrilled to learn that New-Bridge was the top winner for the competition and as such are the proud owners of a Popcorn machine to give the club an authentic cinema feel.


 Comments on the website stated ‘We were overwhelmed by the amount and variety of entries we received from film club members all over the UK and received amazing mascots.  Some were drawn, others painted and some were made using a computer. The top winner for our competition was a marvellous effort from New Bridge Integrated College in Northen Ireland. Working together as a club, they created this stunning mascot using a number of objects including blankets for the shell, tin cans for the exhaust and googly eyes!

The entry did not have to have an ECO theme however there is a whole school emphasis on the ECO Schools Programme.  New-Bridge Pupil Council and Eco Club are currently working toward ECO flag status.  The College has already achieved the ECO School’s Programme Bronze and Silver Award.

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