New-Bridge 2013 At A Glance

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2013 was a remarkable year in the life of New-Bridge Integrated College.   Following on from the outstanding inspection report in 2012, New-Bridge Integrated College has gone from strength to strength.  In a year that saw the permanent appointment of  Mrs Anderson as Principal, the success of our Development proposal together with the news that our application under the School Enhancement Programme (SEP) for capital investment has secured approval to proceed, we look forward with great anticipation to 2014. 

2013 at a glance

Minister for Justice visits New-Bridge February 2013

The College was delighted to welcome Mr David Ford, Minister for Justice to the College in February.

Annual Ski Trip February 2013

A group of lucky students and staff headed off on the Annual Ski Trip on Saturday 2nd February 2013 to Ehrwald in Austria.

Mrs Anderson Appointed Principal of New-Bridge Integrated College March 2013

Mrs Connolly, Chairperson was delighted to announce the permanent appointment of Mrs Anderson as Principal of New-Bridge Integrated College

Gifted and talented Amie

Sixth Form Student, Amie Green’s entry ‘Kasoflutter’ was chosen to go through to the Regional Finals of Junk Kouture in March 2013. Junk Kouture is a competition which highlights the creative skills of secondary school students who are required to produce a fashion garment from recycled materials.

Climate Week

Students get involved in a number of activities to mark UK Climate Week. The College aims to renew our ambition to create a more sustainable, low-carbon future and to showcase real, practical ways to combat climate change.

Parent Text Service

The College introduced a new Parent Text Service which provides a fast and effective way to communicate important information to parents.

Integrated Education Week March 2013

‘Me, We, Our World’ was the theme for this year’s Integrated Education Week which was also the first International Integrated Education Week (IIEW2013), 4th – 10th March 2013.

Mia’s design chosen as new logo for Aptis April 2013

New-Bridge Student Mia Brown’s creative design ‘ Coming Together As One’ was been chosen as the new logo for APTIS, the Association of Principals in Integrated Schools

Mrs Hasson Appointed Vice Principal May 2013

Mrs Connolly was delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Hasson as Vice Principal

Development Proposal Approved May 2013

The College was delighted to learn that the Education Minister, Mr  John O’Dowd,  approved our development proposal to increase the enrolment at New-Bridge Integrated College.
~ Thursday, 23 May 2013

Celebrating Success – CEA Learner of the Year Awards May 2013

We are delighted to acknowledge the achievements of two New-Bridge College Pupils at the  CCEA Celebrating Achievement Ceremony on 8th May 2013.  Miss Claire Berry and Miss Grainne O’Hare were presented with the prestigious ‘Learner of Year’ award by the Chair of CCEA,  Mr Trevor Carson, in  Design and Creativity and Business and Services respectively

President Obama invites New-Bridge students to Waterfront Hall June 2013

New-Bridge Integrated College Year 10 Student, Ronan Curran’s  Essay was acknowledged by President Obama on his first official visit to Northern Ireland and he invited Ronan and 10 fellow students to the Waterfront Hall on Monday 17th June.

Junior Prizegiving 2013 Celebrates Pupil Success June 2013

Mrs Anderson stated ‘We are so proud of the fact that we are an integrated all ability school, as our mission statement says we are committed to ensuring that all our pupils are provided with the opportunity to achieve to their full educational potential in a challenging and stimulating environment in which they all feel cherished and valued.” A great quote from Thomas Carylye: Let each become all that he was created capable of being” and that’s what we are about  as we nurture the talents of our pupils and recognise achievements and successes at all levels.

Parents Association launch 100 Club Draw

We are delighted to announce that our Parent’s Association 100 Club is up and running and our first draw took place in June.   Mrs Johnston was thrilled to receive a call that she was the first lucky winner of the 100 Club draw and received a cheque for £500.  Mrs Johnston has four children at the College,  Robbie (Y8)  Chloe (Y9) Christopher (Y11) and Karen (Y12).

 Bean Sculpture’ unveiled by Mr Dawson Stelfox at New-Bridge Integrated College

 New-Bridge Integrated College  Year 11 pupils created a sculpture project influenced and inspired by the work of F.E McWilliam.  The sculpture, unveiled by Mr Dawson Stelfox, first Irishman to conquer Everest, reflects the growth of integration within the school and local communit

Another impressive set of GCSE results at New-Bridge Integrated College August 2013

The College is delighted at the high level of achievement of our pupils in their GCSE examinations.  We congratulate all our students on achieving 100% pass rate at grades A*-G.  Over 75% of our Year 12 pupils have achieved 5 or more GCSE grades A* – C; significantly above the Northern Ireland average for non selective schools and there has also been a 20% increase from last year’s results on the number of our students who achieved 7A*-C grades, with continual improvement in A*-C grades in GCSE English and Maths.  Our top ten students achieved between 6+ A*A grades which is represents a strong academic achievement for our school.

Record Breaking A Level Results at New-Bridge Integrated College August 2013

New-Bridge Integrated College A Level students will go on record as achieving the highest set of A Level results to date in the school.  98% of our pupils achieved 3 A Levels and over 63% achieved 3A*-C grades.

Minister O’Dowd highlights New-Bridge as example of ‘Good Practice’

New-Bridge Integrated College was highlighted as an example of good practice in an Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) report in the way it continues to achieve good results in English and mathematics at GCSE level.

Minister for Education visits New-Bridge October 2013

New-Bridge Integrated College welcomed Mr John O’ Dowd, Minister for Education to the College on Wednesday 16th October 2013.  During his visit the Minister was given a tour of the school and met with representatives of the Board of Governors. He also had the opportunity to meet with sixth form students to give them an insight into his role as Education Minister. The Minister said: “It is a pleasure to be in New-Bridge Integrated College today and I thank the Principal, Anne Anderson, for her invitation to the school.

Application for Capital Funding approval to proceed

New-Bridge Integrated College is delighted to learn that we are one of fifty local schools who have been informed that their applications under the School Enhancement Programme (SEP) for capital investment have secured approval to proceed.

Alana achieves highest grade in Northern Ireland

Congratulations Alana McCourt, 10MV who achieved the highest mark in Northern Ireland’s OLA On Line Language Assessment in Level 2 Spanish.

Re-think Your Drink Campaign Launched in New-Bridge

New-Bridge values the health and well being of our students and as such operates a ‘Healthy Schools Policy’ in line with ‘Food in Schools Standards’ produced by the Department of Education.   The re-think your drink campaign encourages students to drink healthy drinks.

New-Bridge Students support Drop Inn Ministries Shoe Box Appeal

Year 9 Take a Step Forward for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2013

Anti Bullying Week at New-Bridge

Monday 18th November marked the start of anti – bullying week 2013. The theme this year ; “I see, I hear, I feel”.The anti bullying ambassadors in New-Bridge Integrated College lead an assembly on Monday 18th November to highlight the effects of  bullying with a particular emphasis on cyber bullying. The message was loud and clear; if you have been affected by any form of bullying it is very important to tell someone, and get help and advice on how to deal with it.

Annual Gideons Assembly

Ms McSorley, Year 8 Co-ordinator  was delighted to welcome Mr Malcolm McLean and Mr Colum Law  to our annual Year 8 Gideons Assembly.

New-Bridge Annual Carol Service 18th December

The College Community gathered together to Celebrate the Feast of Christmas at our Annual Carol Service.


Senior Prize Night Celebrates Student Success 19th December

Celebrating the success of our GCSE and A Level Students at our Senior Prizegiving was a fitting way to end the year.  We were delighted welcome Year 12 and Year 14 leavers back to New-Bridge to receive recognition for their success.



New-Bridge Annual Carol Service
Top Prize in UK for New-Bridge Film Club Competition