Year 9 Take a Step Forward for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2013

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Year 9 Take a Step Forward for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2013

New- Bridge Integrated College are one of the thousands of schools across the U.K. and Ireland participating in Global Entrepreneurship Week 2013. To celebrate this exciting event, students from Year 9 engaged in a Young Enterprise Workshop followed by a “speed dating” workshop with five local entrepreneurs. The speakers were Graeme Finnegan, Grounded Espresso Bars Newry and Slieve Gullion. Hugh Morgan of Morgan Fuels, Maire Mc Anearney of Fourteen4 cocktail bars, Mike Young of Telepizza and Paul Evans, Stevie Green and Johnny Tuffey ( coaches and past pupils of New-Bridge) of Evo Soccer Scchool. We were particularly  delighted to welcome back some of our past pupils to the event as we love to hear about their career progression.

The entrepreneurs inspired our students with their business insight and gave some very valuable advice about the rewards and challenges facing businesses in the current economic climate. Here at New- Bridge we believe in preparing our young people for their future career pathways, and today’s speakers really did highlight the need for students to take risks for learning as well as being innovative and creative towards all aspects of their work.

Our guest speakers also commented on the maturity and focus of our students who asked intelligent and focussed questions.

As Head of Careers I am delighted that we have so many future entrepreneurs in our classrooms and am excited to see the exciting direction their career paths will take them!

Mrs H Harbinson

Head of CEIAG

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