Who You Gonna Call ‘WASTEBUSTERS’

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W5 ‘WASTEBUSTERS’ Roadshow at Iveagh Cinema Monday 11th March

Year 8 students attended the annual ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ W5 Roadshow in the Iveagh Cinema. The show was entitled ‘Wastebusters’.

Students were involved in an interactive gameshow format where the boys team played against the girls team with help from the audience.

 Members of the audience were chosen to take part in a number of tasks and the teams collected points depending on whether they has asked the challenge question correctly. The first tasks involved working out the costs to collect waste and paying the bin man, politicians and landfill land owner. A variety of tasks were to follow including creating flammable gas, modelling a new range of ‘ Bags for Life’ from local supermarkets, sorting cans in the ‘Steel or No Steel’ game, and making a mess from food waste.

 The girls team took an early lead but the boys team made a comeback towards the final stages of the show. The girls won by 4 points to 3. As the game show host David commented ‘ I hope you have had fun today-but waste is not fun it costs money to collect and it is important to do your bit to reduce the cost and protect the environment’.

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